Unlock Locked Google/Gmail Accounts

Have you ever come across scenarios when you try to login to your Google or Gmail account and find out that your account is locked?

In many cases, there is not much you can do. You might have to wait between 1-24 hours to get your account working again. Thanks to Technospot.net, we came across an URL which could possibly unlock locked Google/Gmail accounts.

Source: insider.com

The unlock page contains a email and password field and a captcha, however, there is not indication whether this will actually unlock locked accounts. Nevertheless, if your account has been locked, you might want to try out this page to see if it actually unlocks your account. If you are interested in finding out the reasons on why Google blocks accounts, you might want to visit this Google help page.

P.S. If you are able to unlock your locked Gmail/Google accounts using the URL, please leave a comment on this page so that others can benefit from it.